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Every week on Marketing Made Simple, you'll get practical tips to make your marketing easy and make it work!

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Hey, Hebrew maker. Have you been listening to one of our episodes and been like, yeah, but JJ in April, I feel really stuck because well, we're putting together a new series just for you, we want you to call in with your marketing questions in areas where you just feel like you haven't been able to move forward. Maybe you've been trying to figure something out for a while, and the answer just seems to be eluding you. Maybe your newsletters or emails just aren't getting the engagement that you hope they would. Maybe when you sit down to create marketing, you become furious or sad or scared. And so you just end up avoiding them all to get sir. Well, we got you. Just call 615-649-0705 and leave us a voice mail with your name, the name of your business, and why you're stuck, and we'll see if we can help you make your marketing easy and make it work. Just call us at 615-6490 705 and share where you're stuck. Again, that's 615-649-0705. We can't wait to hear from you. We don't wanna be treated like machines. We don't wanna be talked to by machines. We want to be talked to as humans by humans. So what you do when we're reaching out to our customers is just be human. Because when you're human, you're able to connect with people on a different level. When you start thinking of your customers as humans and not just numbers, you're going to be able to communicate more clearly and more compassionately to them. That's what begins the process of inviting your customer into a story that they get to be the hero of. I'm

Is, and that's great in the moment, but they're really missing out because, you know, if I didn't buy it, there's no follow through. There's no way to follow-up with me afterwards. I mean, giving somebody some value ahead of time. We we talk about this all the time when it comes to how do you if somebody's not ready to buy your product or service, how do you kind of take that next step and help them kind of see a little bit of the value you have to offer? And in in the food world, a free sample or a coupon is fantastic. But free samples are work for me. I've bought in so many things. But a lot of times, it's like, oh, I'd love that. I'll come back and get it later. And then I never do because I don't need it that day or I don't think about coming back later. I'm in a hurry. And so, it's just gone. Out of sight, out of mind. If I don't buy it right then And we talk about this all the time of how we call this in the StoryBrand world a transitional call to action. So, in the StoryBrand framework, you know, when you're telling the story, when you're inviting your customer into a story, you first identify what it is that they want, your talking points are on what they want, then you identify the problems that you solve, then you position yourself as a guide, then you give them a plan, and then you call them to action. And we always talk about direct calls to action. What is your direct call to action? Like, buy now on your website or shop now. But with that comes what we call a transitional call to action. So if they're not ready to buy yet, you wanna offer some value so that they begin to get a taste, in this case, literally, of what you have to offer. But if you are a web designer, what you might offer in value is here is a PDF of 5 mistakes that you're making on your website. Or if you are a garden center, here are 3 tips to keep your plants alive. You're giving them a taste of your expertise and your value before they purchase. But like you said, when it comes to giving away free samples

Know everything. Oh, it's so good, a, for my brain, and then, b, I'm gonna incorporate a lot of different things into my life, and it makes my life more colorful, more textured, more vibrant just because I'm learning something new. And I know that this is, like, so 101, you know, whenever you're in this position. But going down a journey and learning something for a while, you know, like, I started those voice lessons, like, a couple years ago. I've been doing therapy, you know, now for 5 years. And wow, like, just to look back at where I started and where I am now, the lessons I've learned are just infinite. And they're interwoven into the fabric of who I am as a person now. And it's really, really fun to, you know, continue to weave. Yeah. Yeah. I I guess is is for a lack of a better term. And one of the areas that we do that in our lives so we do that kind of artistically and expanding our mind and opportunities. But one of the ways that we continue to learn is through this podcast. I mean, we get to talk to some of the people who have inspired and impressed us so much over the years. And it's a really easy way to just be like, hey. Can we go to coffee over Zoom for, like, a half hour and I can just learn from you? I mean, that's that's the part, like, I love so much. Is it all these people who I've seen do amazing things, and I can just I have a reason to reach out to them now without being awkward and be like, can we be friends and just hang out? But I can actually have them on the podcast and learn from them. And we've learned from so many different people, and we thought that we could create a series where we could bring in some of our StoryBrand certified guides who have been in the program for more than 5 years. Because if they've been in the program for more than 5 years, it means that they've at least been in marketing for 5 years, but most of them had their own marketing agencies and businesses for men.

Installing of a process in my brain. This is now how my brain filters out words. It's how I edit things. It's my starting place. It just informs everything that I do, and it's just made my life so much easier because, goodness, my brain thinks a lot of thoughts, you guys. I come up with lots of ideas and lots of words, and having a framework like the StoryBrand framework to help ground me and go, okay. This fits. This can get tossed overboard because it's superfluous. It's not something that actually my hero, whoever I'm communicating to, does not need to know this information. Mhmm. How can I be a really great guide and focus on what it is they want on their transformation and helping them get rid of their problems? Yes. And it was foundational for me and has continued to shape everything that I do and the lens in which I look at not only marketing but in many ways life of being the guide. And so we are getting ready to launch into a new series where we are inviting people who have been in the marketing space for a long time to come on our podcast and just talk about what are the things that you've learned about marketing that really have changed everything for you? What's one thing? Maybe it's not the thing, but what is one thing that you've learned over the vast years of being in this space that can help other people who are maybe in that first phase of marketing as well or at a different phase. But something we can offer over the years of experience that we have? And so, we actually have asked StoryBrand certified guides who have been in our program for at least 5 years to come on and talk about this. And that's what we're gonna be doing over the next series of episodes. That's our next series. Now, some of them have been with us for more than 5 years, but they've also been in the marketing space for 20 or 30 years and they've learned a lot and some of these conversations

Have tractors, but we also do training, and we also have pitchforks, and we have seeds, and we have cattle feed, and we have no. No. No. Just say we keep everything under one roof. That's it. Keep it short because you want your whole team to be able to memorize it. And the more you go on and on, not only is that confusing and overwhelming your customer, but it's confusing and overwhelming for your team. So keep it short. This is not everything you do. This is just to make people curious. And then in the successful results section, you wanna make sure that the results that you're talking about are the successful results once their problem that you already mentioned is solved. So with Acme Feed and Seed, we started out by saying most farmers waste a ton of time. We did not start out by saying most farmers can't find the equipment they need. If we had started with most farmers can't find the equipment they need, then in the successful results, we would say you would get all the equipment you need. What we said is you get back time and can get back to farming. So you need to make sure that the results that you talk about, the success your customer's having, is a direct success or result of their problem being solved. Those really are the 2 mistakes that I see people make in creating one liners. They put way too much information in, and it's not a cohesive story. The problem and the results don't match. If you can do that, you're gonna be ahead of the game just right off the bat. And all your team is gonna be excited because they have a common direction. They're gonna feel free to actually be able to create the content that they want, and you, as a person kind of in charge, are no longer gonna feel the weight of being the only person who understands what message you're trying to put out there. If you can start with this, this is not like I said, it's not the end, but these are your first three steps really to take in order to get everybody in your company, everybody on your team on the same page. So let me just repeat back the actionable step for this week.